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Version 8.6.0 Changes

New Mermaid Live-Editor Beta


With version 8.6.0 comes the release of directives for mermaid, a new system for modifying configurations, with the aim of establishing centralized, sane defaults and simple implementation.

directives allow for a single-use overwriting of config, as it has been discussed in Configurations. This allows site Diagram Authors to instantiate temporary modifications to config through the use of Directives, which are parsed before rendering diagram definitions. This allows the Diagram Authors to alter the appearance of the diagrams.

A likely application for this is in the creation of diagrams/charts inside company/organizational webpages, that rely on mermaid for diagram and chart rendering.

the init directive is the main method of configuration for Site and Current Levels.

The three levels of are Configuration, Global, Site and Current.

Level of ConfigurationDescription
Global ConfigurationDefault Mermaid Configurations
Site ConfigurationConfigurations made by site owner
Current ConfigurationConfigurations made by Implementors

Limits to Modifying Configurations

secure Array

secureArray of parameters excluded from init directiveArrayRequiredAny parameters

The modifiable parts of the Configuration are limited by the secure array, which is an array of immutable parameters, this array can be expanded by site owners.

Notes: secure arrays work like nesting dolls, with the Global Configurations’ secure array holding the default and immutable list of immutable parameters, or the smallest doll, to which site owners may add to, but implementors may not modify it.

Secure Arrays

Site owners can add to the secure array using this command: mermaidAPI.initialize( { startOnLoad: true, secure: ['parameter1', 'parameter2'] } );

Default values for the secure array consists of: ['secure', 'securityLevel', 'startOnLoad', 'maxTextSize']. These default values are immutable.

Implementors can only modify configurations using directives, and cannot change the secure array.

Modifying Configurations and directives:

The Two types of directives: are init (or initialize) and wrap.


All directives are enclosed in `%%{ }%%` }

Older versions of mermaid will not parse directives because %% will comment out the directive. This makes the update backwards-compatible.


init, or initialize: this directive gives the user the ability to overwrite and change the values for any configuration parameters not set in the secure array.

initmodifies configurationsDirectiveOptionalAny parameters not included in the secure array


init would be an argument-directive: `%%{init: { **insert argument here**}}%%` The json object that is passed as {**argument** } must be valid, quoted json or it will be ignored. **for example**: `%%{init: {"theme": "default", "logLevel": 1 }}%%` Configurations that are passed through init cannot change the parameters in a secure array at a higher level. In the event of a collision, mermaid will give priority to secure arrays and parse the request without changing the values of those parameters in conflict. When deployed within code, init is called before the graph/diagram description. }

for example:

%%{init: {"theme": "default", "logLevel": 1 }}%%
 graph LR


wrapa callable text-wrap functionDirectiveOptional%%{wrap}%%


Wrap is a function that is currently only deployable for sequence diagrams. `Wrap respects a manually added
, so if the user wants to break up their text, they have full control over line breaks by adding
tags.` It is a non-argument directive and can be executed thusly: `%%{wrap}%%` . }

An example of text wrapping in a sequence diagram:

![Image showing wrapped text](img/wrapped text.png)

Resetting Configurations:

There are two more functions in the mermaidAPI that can be called by site owners: reset and globalReset.

reset: resets the configuration to whatever the last configuration was. This can be done to undo more recent changes set from the last mermaidAPI.initialize({...}) configuration.

globalReset will reset both the current configuration AND the site configuration back to the global defaults.

Notes: Both reset and globalReset are only available to site owners, and as such implementors have to edit their configs using init.

Additional Utils to mermaid

• memoize: simple caching for computationally expensive functions, reducing rendering time by about 90%.

• assignWithDepth - an improvement on previous functions with config.js and Object.assign. The purpose of this function is to provide a sane mechanism for merging objects, similar to object.assign, but with depth.

Example of assignWithDepth:

Image showing assignWithDepth

Example of object.Assign:

![Image showing object.assign without depth](img/object.assign without depth.png)

• calculateTextDimensions, calculateTextWidth, and calculateTextHeight - for measuring text dimensions, width and height.

Notes: For more information on usage, parameters, and return info for these new functions take a look at the jsdocs for them in the utils package.

New API Requests Introduced in Version 8.6.0


setSiteConfigSets the siteConfig to desired valuesPut RequestAny Values, except ones in secure arrayconfsiteConfig


Sets the siteConfig. The siteConfig is a protected configuration for repeat use. Calls to reset() will reset the currentConfig to siteConfig. Calls to reset(configApi.defaultConfig) will reset siteConfig and currentConfig to the defaultConfig Note: currentConfig is set in this function。 Default value: will mirror Global Config }


getSiteConfigReturns the current siteConfig base configurationGet RequestReturns Any Values in siteConfig


Returns any values in siteConfig. }


setConfigSets the currentConfig to desired valuesPut RequestAny Values, those in secure arrayconfcurrentConfig merged with the sanitized conf


Sets the currentConfig. The parameter conf is sanitized based on the keys. Any values found in conf with key found in will be replaced with the corresponding siteConfig value. }


FunctionDescriptionTypeReturn Values
getConfigObtains the currentConfigGet RequestAny Values from currentConfig


Returns any values in currentConfig. }


sanitizeSets the siteConfig to desired values.Put Request(?)None


modifies options in-place Ensures options parameter does not attempt to override siteConfig secure keys. }


resetResets currentConfig to confPut RequestRequiredNoneconf


confbase set of values, which currentConfig could be reset to.DictionaryRequiredAny Values, with respect to the secure Array


default: current siteConfig (optional, default `getSiteConfig()`) }

For more information, read Setup.